[jiu1-jie2] Mandarin
[gau2-git3] Cantonese
These Chinese characters translate to be entangled in a knot and is used when you can not make up your mind on a decision.

[yu-PUUT-ka] Ulwa
A word from Nicaragua that describes the phantom sensation of feeling your skin crawling.

[hʊ-gə] Danish
The word is found in both Danish and Norwegian language and is defined as a feeling of being cozy and comfortable.

[ki-lig] Tagalog
Is spoken in the Philiophines and is defined as the feeling of excitement, accompanied by nervousness.

L’appel du Vide
[la-pɛl-dy-vīd] French
It translates to ‘the call of the void.’ It describes the sudden urge to jump when looking off a ledge.

[mono-no-aware] Japanese
The expression is an idiom used to describe the beauty of impermanence and the melancholy it brings.

[t-OH-ska] Russian
A word that encompasses sadness over a wide spectrum, from deep to shallow but is generally defined as a sadness with no direct cause.

[tor-schluss-pan-ik] German
The literal translation is ‘gate-shut panic.’ It describes the anxiety of feeling like opportunities are passing us by.

[ji-ji-vi-sha] Hindu
The desire to live, to see life to its fullest.

Criticism is Good for Philanthropy - If Done Well
The Philanthropist Journal article cover

2002 Space Odyssey
Textless book cover design

Earth Day 2023
A poster depicting the horrific process of shark finning.